How Skateboarding Can Help Fight Racism.
Cowan, Jill. The New York Times, June 18, 2020.
When it comes to Minorities there wasn't really a safe space and skating really open up the door for a safe space for black and latino people to be able to come in and feel a sense of community especially when it came down to these group constantly being victims of racism and constantly being targeted by these groups of people of racist.. But, with skating it seems to be a group that they can all come together and be united as one and be available to still be able to express themselves and feel accepted within their own group of people. This Website goes into depth more about how much Skating has really fought back against racism .
History of Skateboarding.
Tony:, Moon:, and Oliver: skatedeluxe Skate Shop. Accessed March 26, 2024.
When it comes down to the History of Skateboarding there are a lot of places to start but with this website it tells you the real history of skating by skaters. Skating has a very long and detailed history of all of their different eras as well as all their picks and lows. Skating is something that is constantly changing and can't just be held in one place and expected to grow. This website would also go into greater lengths to go about talking about the different eras and the history as a whole.
Racial diversity in skateboarding: destabilizing whiteness, decentring heartlands
McDuie, Duncan. February 8, 2023
This website not only delves into the higher majority of skaters being people of color but also of how skating has always been seen as a white man's sport and how these groups are slowly changing that to become not only inclusive but also changing their own appearance to something else. This article immediately delves into how skating has always been seen as this stoner white guy group of people when if you actually take a look at it it's just a group of people from different backgrounds and different ways they look at things so it's very ignorant to just look at everyone as just this one great collective. Thai website reading really does an amazing job just deconstructing that.
How Paul Rodriguez Became the Michael Jordan of Skateboarding.
Johnson, Chris. Sports Illustrated, June 6, 2014.
Paul Rodriguez is one if not the best skater in the skate world as of right now and him being one of the very first Mexican skaters to hit worldwide news as something that wasn't really heard about. Not only that he is coming into the limelight with his skill set and not only that but his benign Mexican attributes a lot to how the sport would change forever. Not only by standards because of how amazing he was at skating but as well as people not just seeing skating as just all these white potheads but instead a group that not only really enjoys skating but that they just come from one background. This website does an amazing job not only telling his story but as well as the impact he made.
‘We Out Here’: Skateboarding, Segregation and Resistance in the Bronx.
White, Katherine Elizabeth.
Fordham Research Commons, February 2015.
“We out HEre” is a website that delves into the realness of segregation and racism that skating had to endure especially when it came down to skaters of the minority and having to deal with constant racism and ridicule from the public. It also talks about how the skate groups would take this hostility and instead of being hurt and doing nothing they could fight back against it. It talks about community once more and how important that is for groups that already feel left out and not wanted. That community is very important. Thai website is wonderful for when it comes down to that